Tuesday, 4 January 2011

it's catching this craft bug....

my 12 year old has never shown any interest in craft and his drawing is limited to badly drawn stick men, however on seeing my Christmas cards he wanted to have a go and fell in love with some Manga art books in Hobby Craft. So Santa got crafty and bought him a big 'how to draw Manga' book, some ProMarkers and paper (as well as a box to keep it all in).

His first attempt was the weapons.....not my aim for him, but a start, then a character.... and my husband and I were completely stunned at how good it was.

He then decided he wanted to make his brothers birthday card by drawing the same figure but smaller and in a football strip with his age as his shirt number. He decided how to lay it out and i helped him just a little bit with the stamping. His brother was really impressed and so were we, so much so i am posting it on here even though it wasn't my work.

Didn't he do well :-))


  1. Wow that is really good - he can start designing digis for us all to use!!!

  2. he needs to earn his keep somehow Angie lol

  3. Well done to A and OMG he is 12???????????? Where have the years gone????????????? This is brilliant
